
Cooking For Cause is a non-profit organization that exists to help communities that are struggling for better health, education, clean water and food. Whether it is food security, safety, shelter, access to healthcare, accessibility, or education, Cooking for Cause, empowers and connects people in Florida and around the world

You may be glad to know Cooking for Cause organized a wide array of cooking classes and have been scheduling numerous events for charity.  Over 600 million people do not have access to safe, clean drinking water. Thirst Project is a movement of raising awareness about the global water crisis and build a freshwater well in Uganda. We have been able to raise over $6000 in just five months through our cooking classes. This money has been used to build freshwater wells in Uganda and has brought clean drinking water to many communities. 


We provide excellent support to vulnerable communities and the people who struggle every day for hunger. From September 2020 to October 2020, we were on the mission of offering meal kits and helping the Ekal Foundation in the United States with our charity process.   


Our first meal kit was a special chicken curry with Basmati Rice from the Tabla Indian Restaurant in Orlando, FL. This healthy food was sold for $30 to each visitor at our eating house. Note that all the earnings from our customers were given as a gift to Ekal.   


We are committed to providing resources, support, and assistance to vulnerable communities through our charity work. We are dedicated to creating positive change by providing access to education, healthcare, food, and other essential services. Our vision is to bring about a change and help the vulnerable community through charity.


Our mission at Cooking for Cause is to serve those in need through the power of food. We strive to bring communities together and provide support. Join us in our mission to end hunger and make a difference in the lives of those in need. Together, we can create a better and more fulfilling world.

What we do

charity and donation camp at cooking for cause

We offer life changing resources such as clean water, food, medical aid, educational opportunities and empowerment in the midst of unthinkable hardships. Our view of poverty is complex and holistic. By inviting them to participate, we pay tribute to the individuals we serve. We are honored to be welcomed into the communities we support and to collaborate closely with local authorities to address their needs with innovative solutions that the communities themselves can carry out sustainably.

Our Approach

We believe that poverty is complex and dynamic. We think that overcoming poverty needs more than just offering raw resources. Since we take a holistic approach, we aim to address weaker communities in order to end all forms of human poverty. Our programmatic development answers take care of vulnerable people’s relational, spiritual, and physical needs.


Through deliberate and purposeful community development, we strive for a world free from poverty. Our strategy enables us to collaborate with local leaders to create innovative solutions that are both long-lasting and put into practice by the communities themselves. 

volunteer picture

Join us in our effort to feed and nourish the marginalised section of society.

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